Claims of Hypocrisy After Dutch Government Backs Ukrainian Farmers
Campaigners say the Dutch government is hypocritical by financially supporting farmers abroad, while it takes the axe to its domestic agricultural industry.
Campaigners say the Dutch government is hypocritical by financially supporting farmers abroad, while it takes the axe to its domestic agricultural industry.
The media accused European Commission official Diederik Samson of influencing Dutch policy. He said he was only reminding the government of the Commission’s point of view.
The policies that have provoked these protests differ, but there is a common conviction driving the backlash: the elites imposing these agendas do not and will not suffer the consequences of their own policies.
The Dutch government wants nitrogen emissions being halved by 2030. The farmers’ organizations want lower targets for agriculture, as well as a later deadline.
The divergence in vision between the regional farming authorities and Trudeau’s federal government could not be starker.
Monday’s protest, during which a policeman fired two shots at a tractor, marks the latest escalation in an ongoing contest of wills.