Venezuela: Maduro Claims Victory In ‘Fraudulent’ Election
Opposition insists it won a landslide, calls on military to “enforce the popular will expressed in the vote.”
Opposition insists it won a landslide, calls on military to “enforce the popular will expressed in the vote.”
President Nicolás Maduro has banned opposition candidates and cherry-picked international observers.
The socialists have “gone mad in their impotence and powerlessness due to losing elections,” Dominik Tarczyński said, explaining the European Parliament’s latest attempt to “undermine Polish democracy.”
The party has been split on how to respond to the rise of the FPÖ—with Doskozil championing a more conservative line on immigration, and Babler wishing to take the SPÖ to the Left.
In Brussels, transparency rules are welcome only as long as they target conservatives, as foreign-funded NGOs fear that by forcing them to disclose their sources of revenue, the Commission will let “illiberal forces stigmatize” civil society.