French Bakeries Under Threat of Massive Closures
Given the importance of bread in the diet of the French, but also in their collective imagination, the increasing number of bakery closures could well be the signal of a serious social revolt.
Given the importance of bread in the diet of the French, but also in their collective imagination, the increasing number of bakery closures could well be the signal of a serious social revolt.
According to the company, the tax on ‘excess profits,’ whatever boon it might be for the EU’s coffers in the short term, is ultimately “counterproductive,” since it would scare off prospective investors.
Energy analysts warn of the dangers that market intervention tools, such as price caps, present. For the EU, it is “unchartered territory.”
Germany’s left-liberal government’s ‘green energy transition’ policies will transform Germany “from an industrial country to an industrial museum,” the president of the German Chemical Industry Association said.
“It is quite possible that disaster relief will be needed within the EU,” EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič (EPP) warned.
The informal meeting, planned for October 7th in Prague, follows on the heels of an agreement between energy ministers for mandatory windfall taxes on energy companies.
The German Retail Trade Federation warned the federal government that as many as 16,000 business could go bankrupt this year in the face of runaway energy prices.
The continuing war will plunge Europeans into a brutal winter, while Russia profits.
Several international politicians have publicly condemned the Azerbaijanian attack on Armenia, but the German foreign ministry refuses to name an aggressor. The recent European gas deal with Azerbaijan might have something to do with this.
Following the attacks on Armenian territory by Azerbaijani forces, the German Diocese of the Armenian Church released an “urgent request” calling for national and international support “to work towards ending this escalation.”