The Modern-Day Sophie: A Marriage of the Rousseauian and Wollstonecraftian Mind
Many women think that motherhood and professional life are mutually exclusive—the marriage of Rousseau and Wollstonecraft can perhaps provide an antidote.
Many women think that motherhood and professional life are mutually exclusive—the marriage of Rousseau and Wollstonecraft can perhaps provide an antidote.
Pope Francis’ off-the-cuff remarks are a significant part of his teaching, and as such, they cannot be ignored.
We have not been gradually losing our rights, freedoms, and political power. In truth, we never really had them to begin with, for they were never grounded in true political authority.
We are the first to live in a completely new era that no longer wants anything to do with the thinking of the ancestors, but is based entirely on a new spirit and new values.
The spirit of modern Western man is like a faulty pressure cooker that’s going to explode, and every attempt to fix the problem pushes him further into false and malignant solutions of individualism, statism, transhumanism, and all the deceitful promises of the technological age.
We need to think carefully about how to understand the modern world, how to deal with it, and how to introduce our children to it. The family can be a safe space to learn about these things.
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?
The picking of the apple in Eden was not a proper use of freedom but the contrary—an action that submitted reason and will to a higher power that does not have mankind’s best interest in mind.
Conservatives, of course, are aware of the urgent need to reduce the bureaucratic machine to a minimum. But in the quest to devolve governance to the local level, we must not forget the existential dignity of the penniless castaways generated by the oligarchic system.
The deep-rooted conviction that men have lived for centuries under the obscurantist illusion that the Earth was flat is simply an invention of modernity.