European Parliament Threatens To Sue Commission for Releasing Hungarian Funds
Europe has replaced democracy with hypocrisy when it comes to Hungary, says former justice minister.
Europe has replaced democracy with hypocrisy when it comes to Hungary, says former justice minister.
Hungarian government must “remedy the situation” by November for students not to be excluded from EU’s Erasmus programme
The project will among other things look at EU migration policies toward immigrants from Muslim countries.
Students and academics discussed the direct impact the EU sanctions would have on their academic lives, while most believe the ban will be overturned by the ECJ.
The EU’s decision, abusing the law in the name of the rule of law, is nothing short of Orwellian and will have dramatic consequences for students.
The EU’s messianic reflex is all the more worrying considering that Brussels recently acquired a formidable weapon with imprecise contours: financial conditionality.
The EU, in the hands of its current pilots, has become an ideological trap—political blackmail clumsily disguised in technocratic euphemisms.
Gergely Gulyás of the Prime Minister’s Office said that Hungary is ready to bring the case before the European Court of Justice if negotiations with Brussels fail to resolve the issue.
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