New Right-Wing Party To Create French ‘Union of the Rights’
The Les Républicains party, unable to choose between the centre and the Right, is effectively defunct and must make way for a new political project.
The Les Républicains party, unable to choose between the centre and the Right, is effectively defunct and must make way for a new political project.
Les Républicains politician rewarded for undermining the unity of the French Right.
Personality clashes between Éric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal threaten to undermine right-wing success at the polls.
The Left is showing its capacity to unite while the Right squabbles.
It would be the first time in recent political history that an alliance like this was achieved.
Ideological inconsistency and obsession with respectability have prevented follow-through on conservative convictions.
Les Républicains wants to appear to be in tune with the state of French public opinion, which demands rigour and firmness in the management of immigration.
Ciotti’s strategy has been very clear throughout the campaign: having in mind the presidential election of 2027, prepare the ground for Laurent Wauquiez.
Les Républicains are caught in a dangerous trap, between Macronism and the Rassemblement National, which has established itself as the leading parliamentary group on the Right.
One of the problems often identified for the Les Républicains party is the gap between the leaders, tempted by centrism, and the militant base, much more conservative.