Leaked Report Outlines Major Overhaul of EU Defense Investment Rules
The document written by former Italian PM Mario Draghi sketches out plan to build Europe’s own defense industrial complex.
The document written by former Italian PM Mario Draghi sketches out plan to build Europe’s own defense industrial complex.
What does BlackRock CEO’s weariness regarding the ESG label signal for the nexus of global finance and political elites?
Nigel Farage’s de-banking crisis has led to a wider debate about banks prioritising social issues over investment strategies. Conservative states in the US are already leading the way in the fight for common sense.
The green-social-justice movement is about to make sure that our downslope from prosperity to industrial poverty becomes even steeper.
Thankfully, the authors of the European Economic and Financial System plan had the wisdom to include an executive summary. After all, there’s no way anyone’s going to read the whole thing. And we don’t have to read the whole thing because it’s obvious. As we all irresistibly jump on the bandwagon, we will learn that planned capitalism is the answer.