Germany: AfD Are the Big Winners—Especially Among Workers and Youth
The official results confirmed the government’s disastrous showing at the European elections.
The official results confirmed the government’s disastrous showing at the European elections.
The European Conservative‘s live blog covering the elections
TEC TV’s Inside Brussels host Zsófia Tóth-Bíró sits down with Mick Hume and Scarlett Karoleva to look at the stakes in the European elections, the importance of voting, and what exit polls in early voting countries tell us.
The attack comes just days before Danes head to the polls to vote in the EU elections
In a fiery debate before the EU elections, Buxadé accused Spain’s governing socialists of being allied with Hamas and Iran.
A combination of ruling parties veering right, buoyant nationalists, and a wildcard former PM embracing populism is changing politics in Prague.
Populist PVV expected to increase its number of parliamentary seats from one to seven as a first indication of how the balance of power is shifting to the Right.
VOX leader Santiago Abascal says the only letter he’s interested in is Sánchez’ letter of resignation.
Prosecutor accuses AUR of fabricating “thousands of lists of supporters” to launch the EU campaign of an AUR-linked independent candidate.
From blaming the ‘far right’ for political violence to blowing up the ‘Russiagate’ scandal, the EU elites are looking for scapegoats ahead of the elections.