Ireland: Euthanasia Becomes Next Target for the Liberal Agenda
Critics say government ignored pleas from medical organisations highlighting “the ethical dilemmas and the potential for a slippery slope.”
Critics say government ignored pleas from medical organisations highlighting “the ethical dilemmas and the potential for a slippery slope.”
By supporting the “European project”, Catholic bishops often forget that they ask voters to back today’s MEPs who favour abortion and euthanasia.
Campaigner for better end of life care says the “so-called right to die” will for many soon become “the duty to die.”
“Life begets life and death begets death. That’s why we’re here today,” participant said.
After enshrining abortion in the French Constitution, president comes out in favour of assisted suicide.
The former Dutch prime minister and his wife chose to receive lethal injections simultaneously.
A now-delayed expansion would have increased euthanasia numbers dramatically.
The president emphasised the need for a ten-year plan for palliative care instead of implementing euthanasia in the near future.
A so-called right to die quickly morphs into a perceived duty to die.
Lawyers for Budapest argue that legalizing the practice would lead to governments ending the lives of the infirm or disabled.