The Hit Job That Failed: A Political Vibe Shift?
Liz Truss has not even flirted with seeking contrition for her appearance on Lotuseaters.com.
Liz Truss has not even flirted with seeking contrition for her appearance on Lotuseaters.com.
The weaponisation of the Western financial system is being used to punish political dissidents—and the practise is spreading.
Almost none of what gets tarred with the ‘far-Right’ brush would even exist without the treachery of our elites.
German police union chief dismisses allegations of ‘far-right infiltration’ as “malicious.”
Zemmour regularly claims in his speeches his affiliation with the former RPR, and his desire to achieve a “union of the Right.” He hopes to gather within his candidacy all the families of the French Right attached to national identity, sovereignty, a certain economic liberalism, and a (moderate) social conservatism.
All is not yet lost for those who believe in Christendom. Saner leadership seems to be emerging in Hungary and elsewhere in Central Europe. So, too, in Western Europe a new generation is looking for answers.
It’s time for something different. It’s time we were more courageous and firmer on matters of principle—like the dignity of human life, like national sovereignty, like sexual morality. It’s time we stood our ground without flinching. Perhaps then we will finally see some real change—and help save what remains of our civilization.
After years of chasing Islamic extremists, however, Western governments and their intelligence services, as well as the mainstream media, today seem to have broadened the scope of what they mean by “extremism” to encompass all ideologies, philosophies, and political movements that are somehow deemed “too dangerous” to exist. And these, according to them, are increasingly found on the Right.