Femina Simulacra
Why does the pretence that ‘transwomen are women’ continue?
Why does the pretence that ‘transwomen are women’ continue?
“I’m still shocked that so many women can believe that a man can become a woman.”
While a joyous community of kaleidoscopic gay disciples captured under the latest acronym sounds idyllic, a cursory analysis of its component groups makes it clear that this may just be the least harmonious smorgasbord in history.
Moutot and Stern have cast off their ties with the Left from which they came, and are keeping a firm grip on the truth.
Why has transgender ideology become so pervasive that it exerts a sort of mental terror—obliging people to acquiesce to a powerfully altered version of reality?
Un-tethered from the ‘male gaze,’ female beauty standards go the way of postmodern pastiche.
British public life has by now been thoroughly colonised by leftist politics.
The sight of feminists cheering on stories grounded in violence against women will continue to expose the Left’s hypocrisy.
Many women think that motherhood and professional life are mutually exclusive—the marriage of Rousseau and Wollstonecraft can perhaps provide an antidote.
Foreign Minister Baerbock’s plan fails to explain how prioritizing “gender-transformative projects” would counter Chinese influence in the region.