Swedish Budget Frenzy Brings About Systemic Crisis
Decades of budget-balancing fiscal policy have now eaten their way into so many vital systems in Swedish society that the country is at risk of a systemic implosion.
Decades of budget-balancing fiscal policy have now eaten their way into so many vital systems in Swedish society that the country is at risk of a systemic implosion.
The British economy has stopped growing. Despite Remainers’ claims, Brexit is not to blame.
With their economy in a recession, the Bundestag may be forced to subject the Germans to harsh austerity policies, whether they want it or not.
When government centralizes control over social benefits, it can easily cross the line from democracy to authoritarianism. These three examples, from Russia, Europe, and America, have too much in common for our own comfort.
The only way for a government to be fiscally responsible is to transform government in the image of national conservatism. Hungary offers a good example of how to do it.
Europe’s conservatives want to be fiscally responsible, but they need to become bolder and address the root cause of government deficits and debt.
With an ideologically aggressive president, and with the states becoming more and more dependent on money from the federal government, the table is set for fiscal blackmail of conservative states. First out: abortion laws.
Sweden has failed to focus fiscal policy on economic growth. Employment is now falling, and there is a debt bomb about to explode in the economy.