Dutch Patriotic Student Society Undeterred After Antifa Ambush
Three ‘antifascists’ were arrested by police following the altercation in which two conservative students received head injuries.
Three ‘antifascists’ were arrested by police following the altercation in which two conservative students received head injuries.
Vlaams Belang has capitalized on Flemish discontent with declining living standards as well as their frustration with out-of-touch political elites.
All twelve Diyanet mosques were found to be in breach of an anti-foreign interference decree, which was intended to prevent meddling by the Turkish state.
Given that Bart De Wever will not allow Flanders to impoverish itself over the continued propping up of Wallonia, he sees confederalism as the sole option; through this, more authority—and responsibility—will flow to the separate regions.
Vlaams Belang Chairman Tom Van Grieken’s name came up third in the list of those politicians by whom the Flemish feel best represented.
To Chris Janssens of Vlaams Belang, the disinformation campaign targets “right-wing opinions” for fact-checking, while “left-wing opinions would be given free rein.”
To Chris Janssens of Vlaams Belang, the disinformation campaign targets “right-wing opinions” for fact-checking, while “left-wing opinions would be given free rein.”
With this gesture, the Belgian episcopate replaces prayers for the return of homosexuals to lives that conform to the Catholic faith with a deliberate policy that sanctions gay unions, to be implemented liturgically.
Visiting Ypres today is a somber affair. The surrounding farmlands were the main battlefield, but the town itself was almost totally destroyed by German bombardment in the autumn of 1914. The devastation was so great that Winston Churchill wanted to depopulate the town and transform its environs into a vast memorial site.
Brushing off the notion of a confederalist model, as proposed by his N-VA counterpart Bart de Wever, chairman Van Grieken said that “confederalism is a lie,” and “the least realistic option of all.”