The Glory of the Cross
The transformative and hope-filled message of Good Friday is that our hate can be “turned to pity, and our pity to love.”
The transformative and hope-filled message of Good Friday is that our hate can be “turned to pity, and our pity to love.”
The example of the 21 Coptic Martyrs of Libya, poor, simple, faithful men, can strengthen us. Let their example give us fortitude to follow Him wherever He leads, and if it costs nothing less than everything, so be it.
If nationalism engenders a sense of loyalty and devotion as it did in the case of John Paul II, it might be worth asking, to whom (or what) are those who have no sense of loyalty or devotion to their nation devoted?
For those who love Lebanon and its people, the apparent indifference of the West to this unique nation and its struggles is incomprehensible.
Pilgrims came because Blessed Karl of Austria lived those virtues and qualities contemporary society longs to see in its leaders, in Church and State. He was a man of integrity, a ‘whole’ man; his inner and private life was the same as his public life. He believed in the virtue of duty: to be dutiful, even to the point of losing his country, his Empire, his worldly goods and ultimately his life, makes him a man worthy of admiration and imitation.
Tim Stanley is often seen as a ‘moderate’ conservative, but in his new book, he argues convincingly that the moral confusion and historical amnesia of the West can be traced back to the loss of an understanding of the place of tradition in society.
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