Swedish MP Facing Criminal Charges for Reposting Satirical Cartoons on X
“The right to use political satire is also an important part of freedom of speech,” Richard Jomshof said.
“The right to use political satire is also an important part of freedom of speech,” Richard Jomshof said.
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser claims she wants to uphold free speech—despite her attempts to ban a government-critical magazine.
“How should a society function in which biological realities and legal fictions come into such blatant contradiction?” one of the hosts asked.
Commentators fear that the clampdown is a “taste of things to come” for the rest of the world.
Despite facing repeated arrests, Vaughn-Spruce is determined to continue standing up for women and their unborn children.
Durov’s lawyer called the French charges against his client “absolutely ridiculous.”
Attempts at silencing commentators will only mobilise the movement, said one of those affected
For decades, the British people have been voting for less immigration. For decades, they have gotten more immigration.
Local police say British authorities requested arrest for online post.
The move has been described as “neither just nor moral.”