Team Biden Calls Viktor Orbán a ‘Dictator’?
The campaign team’s grip on reality is as shaky as the president’s grip on clarity
The campaign team’s grip on reality is as shaky as the president’s grip on clarity
The detention of Ariane Lavrilleux has raised serious concerns about press freedom.
While gratified by the decision, Bülent Kenes added that being regarded as a terrorist never came as a shock to him, since “[Turkish President Erdoğan] is a despot and I am a journalist.”
Detentions rose by 13.4% to 533 cases; 65 journalists are held hostage, 49 are missing, and the number killed has risen to 57—an 18.8% increase compared to 2021 figures.
Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets explained that “Estonia has a leading role in defending media freedom in the world.”