Germany Could Scrap Controversial Gas Fee Burdening EU Neighbours
Central European states complain that the levy hinders their ability to reduce their dependence on Russian gas.
Central European states complain that the levy hinders their ability to reduce their dependence on Russian gas.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the end of the gas levy and the introduction of a gas price cap to the tune of €200 billion in loans as a ‘double whammy.’ The minister of finance defiantly called the decision a “crystal clear reply to Putin.”
The much-maligned German gas levy is about to be scrapped, said leading politicians of the governing SPD. What will replace it, however, is yet to be decided. Green politicians are lobbying for filling the financial gap with tax money.
Germany’s gas levy was meant to help large energy providers in financial distress, but after learning that successful companies who continue to make billions of profits applied for support as well, the levy will be reworked.