Will Polish PM Side with Farmers or Eurocrats in Ukraine Border Blockade?
77% of Polish people support their farmers in largest protest to date against EU’s Green Deal and cheap Ukrainian imports.
77% of Polish people support their farmers in largest protest to date against EU’s Green Deal and cheap Ukrainian imports.
The protests are a thorn in the side of the new Polish PM.
EU Commission meanwhile considers legal action over unilateral grain bans
“We were the first to do a lot for Ukraine and that’s why we expect for them to understand our interests.”
MEPs voted 537 to 42 in favour of the extension, which will come into effect June 6th and extend the suspension of EU tariffs on Ukranian goods for another year.
Russia finds itself in a better negotiating position than even just two months ago.
Bulgaria is also considering imposing a temporary import ban, despite criticism from Brussels.
Farmers in Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia have been equally affected by the influx of cheap grain coming from Ukraine.
Like Polish farmers, those in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia have also been disproportionately hard-hit by an influx of cheap Ukrainian grain.