No Whites, Please.
Native Brits are a minority in the capital, a minority in major cities, and will eventually be a minority across the nation.
Native Brits are a minority in the capital, a minority in major cities, and will eventually be a minority across the nation.
“Madness”: An immigration tribunal ruled that deporting the offender would be “unduly harsh” on the criminal’s children.
Why isn’t the public ever trusted with the details of a criminal unless he’s a working-class, white man?
Officials know the issue is open for debate, but pretend that it’s not—to hurt Reform.
Our elites seek to conquer human difference by silencing the conscience and destroying bonds of mutual dependence.
No group has a right to be listened to by the government simply because it claims to represent a ‘community.’
We no longer seem to have the backbone to push back against jihadist terrorists and Islamists.
Depriving the ‘Blob’ of its power and influence is a necessary precondition for national renewal—but more is needed.
Adam Smith once told a friend reassuringly, “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” He meant that nations have deep reserves that may not be visible in a crisis moment. But just how much ruin is there left in contemporary Britain?
As boat migrant numbers pass 10,000 this year, the UK is paying millions of pounds daily to house over 100,000 migrants in hotels as a critic of the government claims boat migrants may represent just a fraction of the total number of illegals entering Britain.
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