Attempts To Shut Down NatCon “A Sign of Things To Come”
Peter Hitchens warns that leftist threats against free speech ought to be taken “quite seriously.”
Peter Hitchens warns that leftist threats against free speech ought to be taken “quite seriously.”
Police received a year’s worth of hate crime reports in just seven days.
“Many thousands” of minor crimes will now be ignored because of the new law, Scottish Tories warn.
Police have even been told to target ‘hateful’ comedians.
Recent protests in working-class areas have forced the hand of Sinn Féin.
New ‘hate crime’ law will result in public figures “self-censoring,” writer warns.
The legislation takes France further into the realm of “totalitarianism without the gulag.”
Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the mass migration overtaking the country better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.
“I hope other innocent people will be spared the same ordeal for simply voicing their convictions”—Päivi Räsänen.
Campaigners say the playing field should be levelled, but in the direction of more free speech, not less.