The Queen and I
It’s no wonder that those still loyal to the House of Pahlavi call her mādar Eran—Mother of Iran.
It’s no wonder that those still loyal to the House of Pahlavi call her mādar Eran—Mother of Iran.
The great nations of the West had their own cultures once, and that inheritance is still there for those who care.
“From the perspective of national preservation and identity defense, the preservation of the Italian language becomes more of a priority than ever,” the text of the proposed bill reads.
While some hail the architectural vision as keeping with the times, others have raised concerns that it might be no more than a vanity project–one which makes for an ill-fit with its environment.
Streets in Bucharest are lined with decaying neo-Brâncovenesc buildings. Instead of restoration, city-planners are heaping rubbish upon rubbish, building the same junk that has ruined cities from one end of Europe to the other.