Le Pen’s ID Group Potentially Rebranding by Merging with Orbán’s Patriots
Inside sources indicate this may have been the plan all along: to create the third largest bloc in the European Parliament.
Inside sources indicate this may have been the plan all along: to create the third largest bloc in the European Parliament.
Many in the party still actively seek agreement with Marine Le Pen’s ID group instead, a senior party official told The European Conservative.
The German national conservatives have given up on rejoining ID and will instead lead their own group further to the right.
The bloc, which could include the ECR, would fight against corruption and illegal immigration, Andre Ventura, leader of Portugal’s Chega explained.
The Hungarian PM said a conservative ECR-ID ‘superbloc’ could be the second largest in Parliament, but Czech premier Fiala wants a deal with centrists EPP instead.
The would-be members of the European Parliament’s newest right-wing group are considering the name Vera Europa—Latin for ‘True Europe.’
“Everything will depend on the ability of Marine Le Pen in France and Giorgia Meloni in Italy to cooperate,” the Hungarian Prime Minister said.
Potential new nationalist party group could pave way for ID to cooperate with ECR.
At the very least, the ECR and ID groups will need to work more closely together to counter the “federalist” forces in the European Parliament.
Hosted by Salvini’s Lega party, the ID Group’s convention gathered a thousand members from 14 conservative parties in Florence—an ideal place to kickstart Europe’s new right-wing Renaissance.