It’s Not Just Trump and Musk They Fear—It’s You and Me
The new President had to take cover from the Washington weather, but it was the old Davos elites who looked out in the political cold.
The new President had to take cover from the Washington weather, but it was the old Davos elites who looked out in the political cold.
It is a new era in America. You can feel it in this city—in both the jubilation of the MAGA crowds and the foreboding that permeates the federal buildings.
Leftists say it breaches the separation of church and state, while the Right criticises the president’s refusal to follow centuries-old customs.
In his inauguration speech, new head of state Tamás Sulyok emphasised the importance of Christian values as an integral part of Hungary’s past and present.
In a display of steadfast national and religious unity, the inaugural ceremony brought together everyday, working Hungarians, principal political leaders, and Catholic, Orthodox, Calvinist, Evangelical Lutheran prelates.