Insolvency Fears Haunt EU Parliament Pension Fund
Commission auditors warned against a public bailout for Parliament’s pension fund and expressed concern that financial ties to arms manufacturers could tarnish the EU’s image.
Commission auditors warned against a public bailout for Parliament’s pension fund and expressed concern that financial ties to arms manufacturers could tarnish the EU’s image.
Pundits have warned of a growing social crisis in Ireland caused by the asylum sector, now severely hampering the tourist industry.
Graz’s audit office director warns that the city council may be disempowered, leaving leadership in the hands of a government commissary. New elections may be pending for 2023.
The pipeline component manufacturer Uhlig in Germany is facing insolvency due to exorbitant gas prices, which might delay the completion of the LNG terminals currently under construction.
Does Germany anticipate an insolvency wave this fall? The minister of economy says “No,” adding that companies might “stop production for some time.”
As a result of the gas-intensive drying process of the toilet paper industry, the German company Hakle has now filed for bankruptcy.