Britain is the “Western Capital” of Anti-Women Sharia Courts
Commentators say these institutions should be banned, not just ‘regulated.’
Commentators say these institutions should be banned, not just ‘regulated.’
European leaders have celebrated the “positive and long-awaited development,” but peace ise not guaranteed to follow.
In court, the young woman apologised to the family of the French history teacher who was beheaded by a jihadist: “I destroyed your life.”
Antisemitism fuels an alliance that dreams of importing the intifada to France.
After years of woke gaslighting whereby progressives and academics labelled anyone right of Karl Marx a literal Nazi, the actual far-right fundamentalists they welcomed to our shores are reviving Jew hate once more in the form of Islamo-Nazism.
Absent action, pogroms in Europe will become the new normal.
Internal report warns officers to take all precautions for their personal safety.
A few days from the anniversary of the murders of teachers Samuel Paty and Dominique Bernard, the case is highly sensitive.
Britain faces threats from state-backed actors and online radicalisation, with under-18s now involved in 13% of terrorism cases.
We might think that the problem is the terrorist murder by an Islamist migrant. The establishment thinks the real danger is that German voters are angry about it.