What Hungary Protects Children From by Banning Pride Parades
A movement that started as a protest against discrimination and advocacy for equal rights has turned into nude fetishistic displays that make even some LGBT people uncomfortable.
A movement that started as a protest against discrimination and advocacy for equal rights has turned into nude fetishistic displays that make even some LGBT people uncomfortable.
For many on the Left, the persecution of Christians is inconvenient. For too many on the Right, the persecution of Christians has become convenient.
Wherever assisted suicide is legalized, family members are told that it is a tool that ends suffering. Their experience, however, tells a very different story.
Scottish woman arrested for “silent vigil,” UK veteran for an anti-gender ideology post, Päivi Räsänen prosecuted for quoting the Bible… Where were the defenders of liberal values then?
A French doctor, like so many targeted by the transgender movement’s attempts to force collective compliance, had to find out the hard way that trans militancy very much does concern him.
The transgender ideology is “not a social contagion. It is social engineering.”
You cannot accept the premises of gender ideology while opposing the inevitable consequences for women.
Against all odds, she is winning—and exposing the cowardice of her fellow elites and the viciousness of the transgender movement in the process.
It is a new era in America. You can feel it in this city—in both the jubilation of the MAGA crowds and the foreboding that permeates the federal buildings.
These same leading atheists have long championed the post-Christian values that empowered the trans lobby.