Martin Amis (1949-2023)
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: Martin Amis got the collective cultural impact of pornography right while most were still defending it. “Porno, it seems, is a parody of love,” he wrote.
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: Martin Amis got the collective cultural impact of pornography right while most were still defending it. “Porno, it seems, is a parody of love,” he wrote.
The most striking thing left out of these conversations is that this baby was aborted at 8 months, and very clearly not for any medical reasons, nor because the child had any disability.
Never in human history has it been easier and cheaper to amass an enormous personal library of the greatest literature produced by our civilization (and others)—and never, perhaps, has it been more important to do so.
Our human links to the Holocaust are breaking, one by one, and there are now few left to share memories about the people they knew, loved, and lost.
Malta’s pro-life movement is battling in defence of the youngest and most vulnerable members of their society, and it is an inspiring thing to see.
Many intelligentsia are chillingly comfortable with their post-Christian conclusions and are enthusiastic about leaving the sanctity of human life in favor of infanticide.
Once our leaders accepted the premises of the LGBT movement to appease the activists, they stepped out onto the slippery slope they had mocked us for warning about. But many of them are simply cowards—and so here we are.
Several years ago, a friend and I made the nine-hour drive north from Calgary through an Albertan landscape dotted with reed-filled ponds, muskeg, and miles
“I want to encourage Christians with a history of our spiritual ancestors who did not flinch from professing their faith, even in an increasingly atheist society.”—Rev. Matthew Heise
Once Christianity faced off with modernity, says Chantal Delsol, the handwriting was on the wall. And even though a handful of elites deluded themselves into believing in the future of atheism, most people need gods—and soon the old gods began to creep back in.