If Javier Milei is successful, the world will talk about the Argentinean miracle”: An Interview with Marcelo Duclos
When madness is law, common sense is a revolution.
When madness is law, common sense is a revolution.
Imagine a family, a city, a nation, or a civilisation that forgets its past: it would be a zombie.
If Milei succeeds, Argentina will once again be the best country in the world.
The government has no life. It is logically amoral, and it lacks a soul.
The united and determined centre Right can liberate Brussels.
The Italian Right and its allies want to bring its model of unity government to the European Union.
President Milei offers a message of hope and a plan to restore Argentina.
Ordinary Argentines have found in Milei a compatriot willing to take the bull by the horns.
The Le Pen-Salvini axis, a pillar of support for ID in the European Parliament, is standing firm with the election slogan “The Europe of nations, in defence of our identities and freedoms.”
Ursula von der Leyen is sending out the message that the only problem we have to deal with in Europe is pollution.
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