Our New Year Message: No Surrender
We are engaged in a political war for the soul of Europe, against those who would erase its past in order to control its future.
We are engaged in a political war for the soul of Europe, against those who would erase its past in order to control its future.
“Antisemitism is the best warning sign that we can have of a threat to liberal civilization.”—Lord Sacks
Opinions will always differ on what best approximates the common good and on the utility of law as an agent of virtue in any particular case. But to imitate the liberal silence on such crucial questions is to invite radical neo-Marxists to answer them for us.
The champions of an imperial and of a national world order were and are sons to a mixed heritage. This essay explores the deeper compatibility of Europe’s Greco-Roman and Biblical inheritances, as well as of national political entities and broader universal commitments.
It is crucial that in times of uncertainty and difficulty we are able to talk about the problems we face and to outline the common vision that tackling them will require. — Judit Varga
The ideal of responsibility is based on the simple assumption that with maturity should come a certain readiness to accept the sufferings and burdens of life with dignity. This, if you like, is part of the backbone of Western Civilization.
Whether it is the threat of being canceled or anxious concerns that we’ll lose out in the meritocratic race for success, we’re more and more enslaved and less and less free. We’ve lost sight of the true sources of freedom, which come not from permission but from commitment.
The main objective of this conference is to facilitate an awareness that could be summarised in the following phrase from Isaiah: If you do not stand firm in your faith, you shall not stand at all.
Our institutions of higher learning nevertheless reveal how, even within a formal meritocracy, entrenched privilege can co-exist with an appearance of fairness. When the lower rungs of the ladder are kicked away by those already on top, social mobility grinds to a halt and the meritocratic promise loses its capacity to inspire.