The Subjugation of Democracy, Part II
Individual citizens cannot be trusted to understand ideologies. They must be guided, Ebeling explains, by “collective epistemic agents.” But what knowledge are these agents supposed to help citizens gain?
Individual citizens cannot be trusted to understand ideologies. They must be guided, Ebeling explains, by “collective epistemic agents.” But what knowledge are these agents supposed to help citizens gain?
The exchange between the two leaders occurs in the context of Russia’s strong support for the Latin American Left.
The connivance of the establishment Left (and, though less explicitly, the Right as well) with the long-term strengthening of separatism has been a feature, not a bug, of Spanish democracy.
Recuperation is quite simply the preferred and almost exclusive modus operandi of the Left. Having abandoned the idea of truth, it must look for something else to fuel its battles.
Her confidence buoyed even more by the Left’s rupturing, Fratelli d’Italia’s Meloni mockingly referred to it as a “new twist in the soap opera.”
A technique the Left uses to increase control through public anxiety is to “set multiple fires along the ridgeline.” The public notices that the flames are spreading. Which fire does one run to first? What must be sacrificed and allowed to burn?
A whole section of the French Right seems to have awakened to the reality that high culture is entirely controlled by left-wing ideology, and by people who defend their turf without intending to give up an inch of ground.
Poet and former Nicaraguan vice president Sergio Ramírez has described the decision to close the language academy as a bid for “total social control.”
Released on May 16th and 17th respectively, the undercover footage of the Twitter employees confirmed much of what has been speculated about the tech giant.
A long and relatively unusual wait for the appointment of a government under the Fifth Republic can be explained by the difficulty in finding candidates for ministerial positions while the next legislative elections loom.