The Carl Schmitt Craze
The return of Schmitt is no cause for panic.
In Western public discourse, the goodness or badness of a thing depends on who it helps, and whom it hurts.
So, what happens when the ‘liberal’ undermines the ‘democracy’?
How is it, we may ask ourselves, sexuality is widely deemed something fluid, unless its fluidity runs towards heterosexuality, and then all of a sudden sexuality becomes a binary phenomenon that cannot undergo any change?
Liberal democracy is centered around the idea that a majority vote in parliament should have unrestricted jurisdiction to change society as the majority sees fit. By contrast, Hungary and America have constitutions that protect the country against runaway majorities.
The value-anchor idea is abstract in its nature, but that is necessary: the purpose here is not to develop a plug-and-play ready constitutional reform, but rather to establish a model by means of which such reforms can be developed.
It is time to discuss a conservative replacement for liberal democracy.
After years of chasing Islamic extremists, however, Western governments and their intelligence services, as well as the mainstream media, today seem to have broadened the scope of what they mean by “extremism” to encompass all ideologies, philosophies, and political movements that are somehow deemed “too dangerous” to exist. And these, according to them, are increasingly found on the Right.