The Kidnapping of Anne of Green Gables
Canada’s most famous literary icon has been under attack by the usual assortment of leftist academics and radical activists.
Canada’s most famous literary icon has been under attack by the usual assortment of leftist academics and radical activists.
Faust’s salvation, as with humanity’s, comes only in time.
Conservative artists should keep the great achievements of Western culture alive.
The greatest Catholic writers of the 20th century drew on the deep riches of the liturgy to speak to the secular age.
If anyone wishes to conquer the giants of their own vices, they must, like Don Quixote, take up the lance, the shield, draw down the visor, and mount Rocinante.
In Outside the Gates, Hackett reveals to us that transcendence is woven into social reality, most especially in that highest friendship which tyranny seeks to root out: the friendship of virtue.
Leftists who claim Orwell as their own would likely be surprised to discover that he was very socially conservative.
Although at first glance, The Island Without Seasons is merely an adventure story about a man trying to discover the lost city of Atlantis, it is ultimately about how the man’s search allows him to better understand himself and the world in which he lives.
The values of Tolkien’s world are not those of moral relativism, but those of the traditional Christian conception of courtship and romantic loyalty, in which the intimate aspects of love are treated with discretion and respect that protects their nobility.
MP Thiériot, who proposed the bill, believes that decisions to rewrite were made because of “pressure from the ‘wokist’ movement and ‘cancel culture.’”