Marine Le Pen Preparing for Early Presidential Election
Although Macron still has over two years left in office, in reality, he is no longer in power, the RN leader believes.
Although Macron still has over two years left in office, in reality, he is no longer in power, the RN leader believes.
While Macron is still negotiating, Le Pen’s Rassemblement National appears stronger than ever, claiming to be the sole opponent of the system.
The fate of the PM and his administration could be sealed before the end of the week.
Barnier walks a political tightrope to avoid censure without appearing to give in to Rassemblement National’s demands.
More than ever, the life and death of the French government depend on the goodwill of Marine Le Pen’s party.
The recommended sentence would block Le Pen from running for president in 2027.
Having a larger group of MPs for the National Right doesn’t change the game.
Is parliamentary staff not allowed to work on party ideas? RN leader asks as she denounces the EU “Blob.”
The process had no chance of success, yet the Left blames Marine Le Pen for their failure.
The long-awaited break with the past has failed to materialise.