German Judge Sentenced for Ending Child Mask Mandate
Dettmar said before the trial that he doubted the usefulness of masks: “If you want to wear them voluntarily to school, you can do so, but we don’t have to patronise parents.”
Dettmar said before the trial that he doubted the usefulness of masks: “If you want to wear them voluntarily to school, you can do so, but we don’t have to patronise parents.”
Individual EU member states determining their own course of action concerning public health serves to lay bare confusion, or perhaps a mild rift, within the EU bloc.
Soon, even conservatives will have to ask some unsentimental questions. Where was the royal displeasure when most needed? Where was that counterweight to political power? ‘Locked down,’ is the answer.
In the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, French authorities communicated extensively about the ineffectiveness of the mask. The government went so far as to suppress its distribution, sale, and use in the public arena.