“Common Sense Wins”: Matteo Salvini Acquitted in Migrant “Kidnapping” Case
“Acquitted for stopping mass immigration and defending my country,” the deputy PM said, while Patriot leaders were celebrating the result across Europe.
“Acquitted for stopping mass immigration and defending my country,” the deputy PM said, while Patriot leaders were celebrating the result across Europe.
At the historic rally in Pontida, leaders from Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain united to advocate for border protection.
One MEP suggested a public campaign like the one after the Charlie Hebdo attack—with the motto “Io sono Matteo Salvini.”
The Italian deputy PM said prosecutors would have sought lighter sentences for “paedophiles and rapists.”
“Six years in prison for blocking landings and defending Italy and Italians? Madness. Defending Italy is not a crime and I will not give up, not now, not ever,” the deputy prime minister said.
Italian deputy PM Salvini called the threat “unacceptable and disturbing.”
The Italian Deputy PM was responding to French moves to put boots on the ground in Ukraine.
The anti-globalist leaders called on Meloni to take a tougher line on the Commission president.
The united and determined centre Right can liberate Brussels.
The Le Pen-Salvini axis, a pillar of support for ID in the European Parliament, is standing firm with the election slogan “The Europe of nations, in defence of our identities and freedoms.”