Russia Spins Ukrainian Incursion As the “New Normal”
The invasion has led to growing public anxiety, as Russia struggles to repel the attack.
The invasion has led to growing public anxiety, as Russia struggles to repel the attack.
“I have a clear strategic objective: Russia cannot win in Ukraine,” the French president said.
Goodwill towards France is dwindling precipitously in the post-coup Niger. French flags were burned at the French embassy, while locals shouted anti-French slogans.
Stopping just shy of calling them ‘military bases’, the agreement will give the U.S. military access to “agreed facilities and areas” inside Finland.
The leaks contradict previous denials of a Western military presence in Ukraine, with the UK allegedly having 50 military operatives on the ground in Ukraine.
Finland’s accession has doubled the land border between NATO countries and Russia to 2,600 kilometers.