Realism Vindicated
Trump’s victory heralds the West’s return to realism after four years of chaos under Biden.
Trump’s victory heralds the West’s return to realism after four years of chaos under Biden.
“We have an elite that does not want to represent the people, and is proud of not wanting to represent them; and we have the people, who are not represented,” the Hungarian PM said.
Two former Portuguese colonies are pressing for closer ties to Russia, against a backdrop of military coups and political repression.
McConnell errs by assuming that Hungary can and should divorce its domestic interests from its foreign policy commitments.
The West’s reach is dwindling, and its goal of spreading liberalism is failing.
An isolationist stance would mean a diminished United States and a more dominant China.
It is as if in this global chaos, a new era of empires is looming and small European nations with a strong sense of identity will have to reaffirm their unwavering commitment to freedom.
As Moscow is expanding its trade and economic ties in Latin America, its proposed vision of the coming multipolar era is gaining traction there.
Apart from Moscow’s war in Ukraine, Beijing’s increasingly muscular position on its claim to Taiwan and the South China Sea is bringing the G7 considerable anxiety.
Implicit in the Chinese leader’s departing words, as his three-day state visit concluded, was the promise the world order would experience a shakeup not seen in a century.