“The Far Left is the Useful Idiot of Islamism”: An Interview with Emmanuel Razavi
“The Iranian Islamists have an expression that goes something like: ‘first Israel, then the West.’ I think this shows what they’re up to.”
“The Iranian Islamists have an expression that goes something like: ‘first Israel, then the West.’ I think this shows what they’re up to.”
The Islamist organisation has infiltrated EU member states and spread its agenda through various innocent-looking organisations.
France’s interior minister calls for an institutional battle to prevent French society from falling into the “Islamic matrix.”
The UAE was accused by a left-wing French journal of having hired a private Swiss intelligence agency to discredit opponents in Europe as part of a complex regional cold war with Qatar over support for Sunni extremism.
The repeated platforming of FEMYSO has been a thorn in the side of right-wing MEPs for years due to fears the youth organisations represent a Trojan horse for the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.
The Spanish NGO denied any links to extremism, but this is not the first time an Islamist group has been featured at the Parliament.
European taxpayers have been financing the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities for years. Now, with the Parliament and Council on the same page, the Commission will not be able to ignore the calls to end this for too long.
For the researcher, the explanation for the Sorbonne’s attitude is to be found in a generalised resignation of the academic world in the face of cancel culture and Islam.
The IHH is banned in multiple EU countries for terror ties and is acknowledged by experts as a Turkish government proxy used to provide logistical support for Islamists.
Among the groups given a platform at the parliament was FEMYSO, an Islamic lobby group accused of being the youth wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.