FreeCons, Capitalism, and Corporate Greed
American corporations have been accused of abhorrent child-labor practices. National Conservatives put good before greed. Where do Freedom Conservatives come down?
American corporations have been accused of abhorrent child-labor practices. National Conservatives put good before greed. Where do Freedom Conservatives come down?
Although the newly released report from the United Nations does not explicitly state the transformative consequences of its policy recommendations, it unabashedly agitates for using the economy as a tool for global social engineering.
It is time to break the unproductive loop between impatience, single-issue rejection of remarkable candidates, and the political status quo. The NatCon Statement of Principles is a first, major step in that direction.
The letter’s vision of universality tries to argue for the nation as an important element of a universal moral and ethical vision, but by skipping over the nation entirely when it describes the common good rising from families to the international realm, it reveals its bias against it.
In June, we published the Statement of Principles. We hoped it would elicit discussion and debate. This letter is what we hope is the first in a series of commentaries on the topic. The signatories say, “In its list of ideals — ‘patriotism and courage, honor and loyalty, religion and wisdom, congregation and family, man and woman, the sabbath and the sacred, and reason and justice’—no mention was made of friendship, compassion, or love.”
We see the tradition of independent, self-governed nations as the foundation for restoring a proper public orientation toward patriotism and courage, honor and loyalty, religion and wisdom, congregation and family, man and woman, the sabbath and the sacred, and reason and justice.