Gold, BRICS, and the Dollar
The upcoming BRICS summit next week will mark the beginning of a new era. But don’t count out the U.S. dollar just yet.
The upcoming BRICS summit next week will mark the beginning of a new era. But don’t count out the U.S. dollar just yet.
The Hungarian economy has a lot going for it, but can it handle a big budget deficit and high inflation?
A euro-zone membership would put Sweden on a fast track to a fiscal crisis like the one in the 1990s. That would be bad: the country cannot absorb the fallout from repeating its disastrous mistakes from back then.
If Sweden were to join the euro, its economy would be less unstable, but more stagnant. The situation for Swedish households and domestic-oriented businesses would go from bad to worse.
Judging from the comments by central bank president György Matolcsy, Hungary could join the euro in 2030 or soon thereafter. Would such a membership be good for Hungary?
Only imaginary landscapes and monuments are depicted on banknotes, in order to have common visuals and not to privilege one national culture over another—now questionable choices in terms of monetary security.