Marion Maréchal To Launch New Conservative Initiative To ‘Unite the Right’
“I want the national camp to win,” the French MEP said.
“I want the national camp to win,” the French MEP said.
The Les Républicains party, unable to choose between the centre and the Right, is effectively defunct and must make way for a new political project.
We’re now witnessing one youth rebellion wishing to tear down the product of another: the left-liberal hegemony seeded by the student rebels of ’68.
European leaders are trying to match rhetoric with reality as many fear Ukraine would upturn established norms and may repeat the rule-of-law clashes seen with Poland and Hungary.
“We are totally opposed to the so-called Franco-German agreement, which is nothing more than an ultimatum to recognise the state of Kosovo.”
The fact that Vlaams Belang is the largest party in successive polls offers unprecedented opportunities, including the formation of a right-wing government in Belgium, like in Italy, MP Filip De Winter told The European Conservative.
The organisers claimed that the influx of people was the main reason for the cancellation, and that the “security of the imams was not guaranteed.”
The young and dynamic party of the national Right is preparing to enter a difficult phase. With no immediate national election date, it must keep the helm steady over the storm in the long term.
Due to its recent electoral success, Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National can legitimately claim the presidency of the Finance Committee. After the presidency and vice-presidency of the Assembly, this is the most important office in the French legislature.