Despite Warnings, Sweden Joins EU Lawsuit Against Hungary
Sweden can forget about the Hungarian ratification of its NATO-membership, at least for the time being.
Sweden can forget about the Hungarian ratification of its NATO-membership, at least for the time being.
Turkey remains the only NATO member that hasn’t ratified the Finnish bid yet. A vote on Sweden’s, however, was delayed again in Budapest.
The Swedish Parliament voted to proceed with NATO membership—but Hungary has now revealed plans to, like Turkey, ratify Finland’s accession ahead of, and separate from, Sweden’s.
After meeting the Finnish President, Erdoğan will likely ratify Finland’s application within a month. Sweden, however, will probably have to wait until after May’s elections.
It appears as though no amount of Western well-wishing will speed up any such accession process.
In an interview with the BBC, Pavel affirmed his belief that Ukraine should join NATO as soon as the war ended.
NATO membership for Sweden and Finland appears at the mercy of Turkey’s ever-expanding demands.