Into the Woods
Somehow, some way, stewardship of the forest and the rest of the natural environment must be snatched from the ranks of the stupid and insane.
Somehow, some way, stewardship of the forest and the rest of the natural environment must be snatched from the ranks of the stupid and insane.
Throughout human history, hate was not viewed as generally abnormal or anti-social. It was just another emotion that, along with anger, despair or love, had a place in human relationships.
A panel discussion, hosted by The European Conservative, invited experts including climate sceptic MEP Rob Roos and former Commission energy official Professor Samuele Furfari to outline the devastating impact of the EU’s Green Agenda on citizens.
The environmentalist’s claim that man is nature’s enemy undermines any reason to steward it in the first place. To care for something, one must love it; one must feel that it belongs to them and them to it.
The connection between anti-hunting attitudes and fascism may, in fact, be a deep one.
It is very difficult to argue for the Burkean Contract. If one sees oneself as a morally isolated, radical individual for whom history means nothing and for whom nothing is owed to the future, no amount of disputation will let in the light.
The development of a synthetic mouse embryo from stem cells to the stage of developing organs raises hopes among the scientific community that the time for such experiments with human embryos is near.
The Festival of hunting is an example of real culture and the celebration of an inherited and fragile way of life.
Restoring our proper relationship with the natural world, it must be asserted, does not entail a retreat from nature, but a renewed immersion in its mystery and a humble submission to its laws.
Humanity’s ongoing plastic saga suggests that mass production and mass disposability—the same process that replaces fabrication and craftsmanship with production—also reduces our ability to make ourselves, that is, to reproduce.