Hamas Wants UN To Condemn Wilders for ‘Violating International Law’
Wilders’ statement that Jordan, which is populated by 80% Palestinian Arabs, should be the home for Palestinians created outrage in the Arab world.
Wilders’ statement that Jordan, which is populated by 80% Palestinian Arabs, should be the home for Palestinians created outrage in the Arab world.
The coalition formation talks are expected to be longer and more arduous than what is common even in Dutch politics.
Wilders, who has been under constant police protection since 2004 due to Islamist threats, now has to worry about violence coming his way from the Left.
The Dutch populist Right’s historic victory shows just how disconnected the liberal establishment was from the people, although the road to a right-wing coalition government might be a rocky one.
UPDATE: With 94% of the vote counted, the right-wing populist PVV is the projected winner with 37 seats, more than doubling its share in the parliament.
Following the elections, it will take some time for a new coalition government to be formed; until then, farmers ask for clarity from their leaders and, above all, hope for the future.
Geert Wilders’ populist PVV gains ten more seats in the latest nationwide poll and wins mock ‘school elections.’
Discussion just before the Dutch elections with Forum for Democracy’s second-in-command about the culture war, censorship, and how the youth is shifting the Netherlands to the Right—just after the party leader was attacked by Antifa.
While the FvD party leader was treated by a trauma surgeon, Antifa activists cheered for the release of his attacker.
At BBB, we try to work from common sense and to see seats and polls not as a goal but as the result of our efforts.