“We will not jeopardise this chance to save France from the radical Left”: An Interview with Nicolas Bay
“Success lies in being clear about what is at stake and speaking honestly about how to tackle the issues.”
“Success lies in being clear about what is at stake and speaking honestly about how to tackle the issues.”
The addition of the Reconquête party would help the ECR preserve its position as the main national conservative, sovereigntist force in Brussels.
Turkey, which has already benefited from a customs union with EU member states since 1995, will benefit from European aid for its businesses and innovation programmes.
Reconquête embodies the civilizational Right. We are attached to traditions, civil and economic liberties, and the protection of the French people and our identity. We represent a classical conservatism capable of facing contemporary challenges.
With the passing of this EU parliamentary motion, some warn that euro-federalism may once again be undermining national sovereignty.
Bay told The European Conservative that “Parliamentary immunity exists in principle precisely to prevent this kind of political pressure … Except that the European Parliament does not judge in law: the decision to waive an immunity is purely political.”