French Leftist Coalition Falls Apart Over Israel-Hamas War
Public stance taken by La France Insoumise deemed antisemitic by NUPES coalition partners
Public stance taken by La France Insoumise deemed antisemitic by NUPES coalition partners
In the war currently underway in the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon, all blows—even low ones— seem to be allowed.
By choosing to vote for the Left’s censure motion, Marine Le Pen reinforced her status as the leading opponent of Emmanuel Macron. She showed that the overthrow of the government remained her primary objective and that she intended to give herself the means to achieve it.
The legislative and executive powers are now engaged in a form of institutional one-upmanship. Emmanuel Macron, threatened by a motion of censure, answered with another threat: the dissolution of the National Assembly.
By refusing to put on the costume of their job, the far-Left deputies are only embodying the most mediocre individualism, which triumphs everywhere else and against which they claim to fight.
The symbolism of this vote is obvious: it is the first time since the beginning of the pandemic that the government faced major opposition on its health policy in the National Assembly.
Never before has the national Right achieved such a result in France, to the point of surpassing the governmental Right. New perspectives are opening up for the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen.