EU-Funded NGO Report Slams Conservative Governments
“There is always an empire that seeks to take the freedom of the Hungarians. Right now it is one in Brussels,” Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán said.
“There is always an empire that seeks to take the freedom of the Hungarians. Right now it is one in Brussels,” Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán said.
Newspaper purchase ‘linked to plot against conservative government’
The European Commission has financed left-liberal groups in Hungary while withholding recovery funds from the country.
The Open Society Foundation is looking to guide the accession process for Ukraine and the Western Balkans, laying plans for Poland in particular as Warsaw grows in geopolitical importance.
OSF might prepare for strategic restructuring and a 40% workforce cutback, but “we only truly believe that the occupying troops are leaving the continent when the last Soros soldier has left,” Balázs Orbán, the Hungarian PM’s political director said.
George Soros officially passed on the torch last week to his son Alexander who promised to continue the Foundation’s work and influence next year’s presidential elections in the United States.
Unparalleled in terms of harsh criticism: Voegelin opines on Popper’s work in correspondence with Leo Strauss.
Among the groups given a platform at the parliament was FEMYSO, an Islamic lobby group accused of being the youth wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The 92-year-old billionaire, a known backer of leftist and open-border causes, had accused Indian Prime Minister Modi of holding non-democratic views.
The EU confirms that it gave over €3 million to Soros’s Open Society Foundation as VOX MEP @Jorgebuxade raised concerns over links to Catalan separatists.