Man Arrested in Pakistan for ‘Cyber Terrorism” Over UK Riots
Local police say British authorities requested arrest for online post.
Local police say British authorities requested arrest for online post.
Pakistan has become an Islamic hell for Christians.
The Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir is no stranger to Islamist terrorism.
The European Commission is enabling a culture of horrific child abuse and is exporting the same destructive culture to Europe.
At gunpoint, Daniel Pearl’s last words included, “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish.”
The violence is being fuelled by the mosques, with explicit calls for murder being broadcast from the loudspeakers of Muslim worship buildings, calling on local people to “go out and kill” Christians.
The country-wide protests were triggered by former PM Imran Khan’s arrest which, his supporters claim, was politically motivated.
During his time in power, Musharraf worked to become an indispensable figure in combating radical Islamic extremism in the region.
The worst flood in over a decade has killed more than 1130 people and affected 33 million citizens. Assisted by the UN Secretary General, the Pakistani government has found the culprit already: Western fossil fuel consumption.
Over the past year, a significant portion of the European Parliament seems to have become hostile to claims of religious persecution, especially coming from Christians.