The Enchantments of Iain McGilchrist
If you want to understand the many-symptomed sickness that has overtaken modern culture, and begin finding our way to a cure, there is perhaps no better secular guide than Iain McGilchrist.
If you want to understand the many-symptomed sickness that has overtaken modern culture, and begin finding our way to a cure, there is perhaps no better secular guide than Iain McGilchrist.
From the descriptions of Greek philosophy found in the research of both Pierre Hadot and Anton Dumitriu, we are confronted with a startling emphasis on the ‘practical,’ that is, the ‘experimental’ dimension of philosophy.
We need to think carefully about how to understand the modern world, how to deal with it, and how to introduce our children to it. The family can be a safe space to learn about these things.
In the first episode of ‘In Search of Europe,’ our new series on the history of European thought and philosophy, host Karl Gustel Wärnberg talks with David Lloyd Dusenbury.
One quibble with Eisenberg’s approach is that, in giving a vivid and political reading of the teachings of these philosophers, he occasionally simplifies them, perhaps out of prosecutorial zeal.
In his book The Disappearance of Rituals, Korean-German philosopher Byun-Chul Han presents a genealogy of the disappearance of rituals and its catastrophic effects on society.
For the Utopian, a unified and uniform mass of humanity is enabled by the “abolition of war,” which in turn can only be safeguarded by a “supranational agency, ultimately a world government.”
Archery, the Japanese have long believed, supplements the interior journey towards a state of wisdom, a journey that to some degree we must all undertake if we are to avoid becoming a nuisance to others.
Today, the image of the cave is regarded with suspicion. It seems to call for rule by experts and social engineers, for a tyranny of technocrats: a dubious, if not diabolical, prospect.
Is Hegel’s political thought conservative, progressive, perhaps even revolutionary?