Ambassador: Poland Will Fight Russia if Ukraine Loses
If Ukraine fails, “we will have no choice but to enter the conflict,” Polish Ambassador Jan Rościszewski told LCI in the latest interview.
If Ukraine fails, “we will have no choice but to enter the conflict,” Polish Ambassador Jan Rościszewski told LCI in the latest interview.
Polish politicians make edible bugs an election issue.
This is part of Brussels’ purposeful “plan to disestablish EU member states,” and create a “centralized state” instead, Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said.
Kaczyński gave a speech in which he offered praise for the Spanish party, pointing out how much it has in common with his own platform.
Kaczyński urged Poles to take responsibility for the unique role they play in staving off the destructive ideologies of the West, warning them they “must be counter-revolutionaries” if they “do not want to be the West.”
Polish Minister of Education Przemysław Czarnek held a speech calling for the teaching of Poland’s Christian identity, without which Poles “would probably speak Russian or German today.”
The legacy of 20th century history has left the Right in Central Europe questioning what we are meant to conserve after 40 years of communism. Our task is not so much to preserve traditions, but to reawaken them and to establish new ones. This approach is more reactionary; Central European conservatism is combative, because it has to be.
A COVID law proposed by Poland’s ruling PiS party has been rejected by the Polish Parliament. While opponents of COVID restrictions celebrate, some members of the opposition predict the downfall of the PiS.
The exercise of democracy requires the support of national sovereignty in order to be fully effective. This is a basic principle that is increasingly being forgotten by European leaders, especially the Germans who are eager to create a federal state of Europe, Kaczyński argued.
Once prime minister of Poland, then president of the European Council, and later the leader of the European People’s Party, Donald Tusk is now back in Polish politics. “I’m back in 100 percent,” he told a congress of Civic Platform (PO), the conservative-liberal party he founded in 2001. Donald Tusk is now the head of […]